The Bluebirds Have Left the Nest!

(Sounds like a code phrase from a spy flick, doesn’t it?) 🙂

I tried to take some photos of the baby bluebirds on Sunday. Sorry for the poor quality. My camera isn’t the best and I didn’t want to get too close to the nest box, because papa bluebird was a little nervous about me.

The male bluebird standing guard while two of his nestlings peek out of the nest box.

The male bluebird standing guard while two of his nestlings peek out of the nest box.

There were four baby bluebirds in the nest box. Here are two of them peeking out as papa bluebird stands on top of the box to keep an eye on me.

Female bluebird feeding the nestlings while the male sits on top of the nest box.

Female bluebird feeding the nestlings while the male sits on top of the nest box.

Mama bluebird dropped by to stuff an insect into somebody’s mouth. She too was eyeing me suspiciously.

It’s a good thing I got these photos, because on Monday those babies left the nest. The parents weren’t feeding them much, and would call to them from the trees in the back of the yard. I missed the first three leave the nest, but I managed to snap a photo of the last baby right before he took his first flight.

The final bluebird nestling working up the courage to take his first flight.

The final bluebird nestling working up the courage to take his first flight.

He made it to the trees, but didn’t land very well and fell to the forest floor. Those babies are pretty resilient though, and he was soon climbing up a fallen tree and calling to his parents. The first brood was a success. Hopefully they will all make it and I’ll have a bunch of bluebirds visiting my yard when the next brood is born! 🙂

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“I just want that peanut!”

Eastern Chipmunk

Eastern Chipmunk

The other day, I glanced out the window and caught a glimpse of the male bluebird dive-bombing something on my patio. I went over to my patio door to investigate. A brown blur of movement caught my eye from behind my planters. I watched as an Eastern Chipmunk crept out from its hiding place to reach a peanut that it dropped, only to dart back under cover as the bluebird dove at it again!

chipmunk1chipmunk3 chipmunk2This small, striped relative of the squirrel has been coming to my patio and near my other feeders for a few years now to snatch up the food that the birds have dropped to the ground. I get a kick out of watching it stuff its little cheeks with seeds and nuts and haul them back up the hill in the back of my yard towards the woods. Somewhere on that hill is a series of underground tunnels that it uses for sleeping, rearing its young and storing its ever-growing cache of food that it saves for when the weather is not so nice. It likes to use the fallen logs like little highways on its treks up and down the hill.

Usually the chipmunk stays on the ground, but occasionally, I’ll see it on one of the feeders, and when it’s done, it’ll slide down the shepherd’s hook like a little firefighter on a pole. It also will occasionally take a dip in my pond to cool off on a hot summer day.

Now don’t feel too sorry for this particular chipmunk because of his encounter with the bluebird. Although chipmunks eat mainly nuts, seeds and berries, they do occasionally eat eggs and small birds. My bluebirds have eggs right now, which was why the male bluebird was attacking the chipmunk. The chipmunk wasn’t near the nest box though, so I wasn’t too concerned.

Other than the occasional nest raiding, chipmunks aren’t much of a nuisance. I enjoy their funny antics and find them to be delightful visitors in my yard!

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