Insects & Spiders

Here’s the list of insects & spiders found in or near my yard:

  1. Aphid
  2. Wheel Bug
  3. American Cockroach
  4. Two-spotted Ladybug Beetle
  5. Nine-spotted Ladybug Beetle
  6. Convergent Ladybug Beetle
  7. Pyralis Firefly
  8. Pennsylvania Firefly
  9. Green June Beetle
  10. Japanese Beetle
  11. May Beetle
  12. Field Cricket
  13. Differential Grasshopper
  14. True Katydid
  15. Dogday Harvestfly
  16. Periodical Cicada
  17. Northern Walkingstick
  18. Praying Mantis
  19. Black Carpenter Ant
  20. Little Black Ant
  21. Green Lacewing
  22. Green Darner
  23. White Tail
  24. Mosquito
  25. Robber Fly
  26. Crane Fly
  27. Black Fly
  28. House Fly
  29. American Horse Fly
  30. Spider Wasp
  31. Black-and-yellow Mud Dauber
  32. Yellow Jacket
  33. Golden Northern Bumble Bee
  34. Honey Bee
  35. Yellow Woolly Bear Moth
  36. Hummingbird Moth
  37. Luna Moth
  38. Spicebush Swallowtail
  39. Spring Azure
  40. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
  41. Cloudless Sulphur
  42. European Cabbage Butterfly
  43. Eastern Black Swallowtail
  44. Eastern Tailed Blue
  45. Monarch
  46. Baltimore
  47. Chigger
  48. Eastern Wood Tick
  49. Lone Star Tick
  50. Violin Spider “Brown Recluse”
  51. Black Widow Spider
  52. Metaphid Jumping Spider
  53. Forest Wolf Spider
  54. Grass Spider
  55. Eastern Daddy-long-legs
  56. Goldenrod Spider
  57. Black-and-yellow Argiope
  58. Common House Centipede

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear from you!